“What Will We Think” By Dr Howard Goldenberg
What will we think
When we look back?
How will we change
And be changed?
My little minyan,
Ancient prayer,
Older than the Era,
Have we ever before –
Before the Roman,
Or before Inquisitor
Or in the camps –
Ceased to foregather?
I’ve bewailed Jerusalem
Alone, in the outback,
‘How, sitteth the city alone’,
I sang.
I can do that again.
But one hundred notes
Of the shofar –
Abraham’s horn,
The horn that shook
The mount in its smoke –
Who will hear
From so far?
And how do we atone
And we want to atone.
We asked, Who by fire?
And the fires replied:
Thirty four.
We asked, Who by water?
And the floods spoke:
Two – in Queensland.
And we asked, Who by plague?
And the plague is still counting
And the aged dead are mounting.
Even ‘though we prayed,
Cast me not off
In old age.
On the Eighth Day
Of Solemn Assembly
God said,
Kasheh le’hipared:
He said, He’d miss us.
I haven’t missed God:
From my deeps,
(my particular deeps)
I have called Him,
And I have felt Him close.
But I have missed my minyan –
‘We few, we happy few,
We band of brothers’ –
My minyan,
Where we treated God
As we treated one another –
As a brother.
The prophet said –
He, of the broken heart,
Forsaken, cut off, alone –
‘I will betroth thee
For ever;
I will betroth thee
With righteousness
And with justice
And with compassion;
I will betroth thee
With faithfulness,
And you will know Hashem.’