Learn the how what and why of performing the Jewish essentials. An exciting new course with Rabbi Dovid Gutnick. This course will help you gain mastery and clarity of 5 key and common Jewish activities. Appropriate for all levels of knowledge.
Commencing Wednesday 21 February 2018 at 7:30pm and continues for five Wednesdays
at the East Melbourne Synagogue
Cost $50
In five sessions we will explore :
- Synagogue practice including proper etiquette and behaviours. What to do when you arrive, greetings, responses, language, engage in the service and receive honours.
- The practical observance of the ancient Jewish calendar, know how to calculate the festivals and Jewish birthdays, also Jewish astrological signs.
- The secrets of sexuality and intimacy in Halacha and Jewish mysticism (adults only).
- How to understand and run a traditional and meaningful Shabbat dinner. Includes Shabbat Candle lighting, Kiddush challah, various table customs and how to infuse meaning and sentiment into your experience.
- How to observe the kosher diet simply and meaningfully in or out of the home.
Please enrol via the from below. For enquiries please call 9662 1372 0r
Bookings Now Open!